Types of slabs:

one way slabs:

reinforced concrete slabs supported on two sides or on all four sides with ratio of long to short span exceeding 2 are one way slabs. the percentage of reinforcement in slabs is generally low on the range 0.3 to 0.5 per cent.

two way slabs:

short and long span length lx and ly. type of supporting edges such as fixed, free, continuous. magnitude and type of load on the slab such as concentrated, uniformly, distributed.

cantilever slabs:

reinforced concrete slabs projecting from fixed end and free at the other end are cantilever slabs. 
 eg: balconies,lintel beams, floor slab chajjas. maximum thickness is generally provided at the fixed end and gradually reducing to a minimum value of 100 mm at the free end.

continuous slabs:

In multistorey building comprising tee beam and slab floors.the slabs are continuous over the beams which are spaced at regular intervals. 
The coefficients are applicable for substantially uniformly distributed load over three or more spans which do not differ bu more than 15 per cent.

Flat slabs:

A flat slabs is a reinforced concrete slabs with or without drops,supported generally without beams by columns with or without flared column heads.

different types of flat slabs:

  • slabs without drops and column head
  • slabs without drops and column with column head
  • slabs with drops and column with column head